Granville island delivery co.

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Build & strengthen your business relationships by leveraging thoughtful gifting. Our local artisan gifts are built to impress. Perfect for Clients, Team Rewards, Events, and more.

Free shipping within Vancouver for purchases of $99 or more, or $10 off shipping for Greater Vancouver.

A division of Vancouver Foodie Inc.


Sustainability never tasted so good!

Did you know…
58% of all the food we produce in Canada is lost or wasted.
$4.9 BILLION of food is wasted in Canada (not including the cost of water, time, and energy).
56.6 MILLION tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions are created by food waste in Canada each year.

At Luv the Grub, they're all about great taste and living a sustainable lifestyle. Luv the Grub partners with local farmers and markets to mitigate all those bumped, bruised but equally delicious fruits and vegetables from entering the landfill, and turn them into delicious, gourmet chutneys and spreads.

Each jar provides paid employment and training opportunities for newcomer refugee and immigrant youth through Luv the Grub’s partnerships with non-profits and charities in British Columbia. With each spread, dip, lick and dollop of their products, you’re doing more than just supporting local, you’re spreading love to people and the planet, so go ahead... love the way change tastes.

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