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A division of Vancouver Foodie Inc.


Mankind’s oldest sweetener, in its purest form.

Chilliwack River Valley Honey was started by the Coutts family and their bee farm, situated along one of the Lower Mainland’s best kept secrets - the Chilliwack River. Current owner, Richard Pye, was a longtime close friend of the Coutts when an unexpected tragedy hit, leaving it up to Richard and his family to take on the business. In an effort to continue his friend’s legacy, Richard enrolled in the Bee Master’s course at Simon Fraser University, and has been running Chilliwack River Valley Honey ever since.

For nearly three decades, Chilliwack River Valley Honey has been a staple of the Granvile Island Market, offering its patrons high quality bee products that some have considered to be the “best honey in the valley”. For Richard, the community connections that he has developed are a happy side effect of the job, with generations of family and friends dropping by his booth regularly for a friendly chat. He is proud and honored to carry on his friends’ legacy in the form of building a community of honey-loving fans and continuing to provide that sweet, sticky nectar to visitors of the Public Market.  

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